Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Join parents, students, teachers and community members at a rally to stop school closings and co-locations!.

Join a rally to....
Stop the school closings!
Stop charter invasions
Defend public education
Say no to privatization

Mayor Bloomberg's Department of Education plans to close 26 more schools this year.  Despite the DOE's claim that these school closings are aimed at reforming schools, they have instead opened the door to privately-run charter schools and have limited school options for those affected.  According to the accounts by parents, students and teachers, DOE policies have had the effect of sabotaging the schools that are slated to be closed, not "fixing" them.

Bloomberg has played a shell game with our most vulnerable children, shuffling them around from closing school to closing school.  This process has disproportionately affected students of color, only serving to further perpetuate a separate and unequal school system in New York City.

In addition to closing schools, the DOE plans to grant more public school space to charter schools through co-locations, undermining public school resources and pitting school communities against each other.

We demand quality resources and support for our public schools, not closings and privatization!

January 27 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
City Hall Plaza
Trains:  4, 5, 6, 2, 3, R, A and C
Sponsored by the Ad Hoc Committee to Stop School Closings and Charter Invasions

Endorsing Organizations:  Grassroots Education Movement (GEM)                            
                                          New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE)
                                          Green Party of New York
                                          Class Size Matters
                                          Concerned Advocates for Public Education (CAPE)
                                          Independent Community of Educators (ICE)
Help plan the protest!  Join the meeting on Wednesday, January 5 at 5 p.m. in room 5414 of the CUNY Graduate Center, located at 34th Street and 5th Avenue

Contact gemnyc@gmail.com for more information.

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