Friday, March 26, 2010


  On the heals of the nullification of the PEP vote which reversed the decision on school closings and the co-location of PAVE Academy within P.S. 15, a revised Educational Impact Statement was released today!  This document is available to view here.  In light of the recent Supreme Court ruling, it is uncertain whether releasing a revised version of the EIS is proper procedure or even valid, but in classic DOE style it is posted on the internet and ready for views and public comments.  You will find some changes in this revised statement.  At the very least, some of the simple mathematical errors were corrected and at the very worst, this document proposes that PAVE Academy will stay housed in P.S. 15 until their building is "completed" (in quotes because no evidence exists that construction has even started).  If this EIS is in fact valid, the heinous proposal will be up for a vote AGAIN at the next PEP meeting in April.

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