Thursday, April 1, 2010

New EIS for P.S. 15, Same Garbage, Different Day!

After you view the "revised" EIS (click here) call 718-935-4390 or email and share your comments.  Don't be shy about calling, it's just an answering machine. 

You may wish to share your objections about the impact on special education, intervention and enrichment programs.  You may wish to point out that this EIS does nothing but promise PAVE Academy an open-ended  co-location while completely ignoring the needs of P.S. 15 students.  The growth of P.S. 15 will be stunted by this co-location and this EIS guarantees it, stating the P.S.15's enrollment will stay the same. This in unfair and untrue! We are a candidate for a magnet grant that will open enrollment district-wide. If anything, our school shoulde be entitled to MORE space.
  Feel free to share your own ideas and alternative suggestions, as the DOE is required to document them.  It seems one fair choice would be to cap enrollement for PAVE Academy.  This EIS may be "revised" but it seems the DOE is making the proposal and policy fit their needs, not the needs of public community schools, namely P.S. 15!

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